Updated: 2022-04-19
This writeup is of interest to Lightning Network developers who want to make their own “autopilot”, as well as existing node operators who take on the role of node manager as well (a role which CLBOSS seeks to take over via automation).
Strictly speaking, if we had an infinite amount of resources to devote to the task, we really only need one combined metric for selecting nodes to make channels with. This combined metric would weigh details like size of the node, centrality of the network, and also importantly, uptime.
Uptime is a very important metric for a direct channel peer. If your peer is offline, then you cannot use any channel you have with it, full stop. This prevents you from using the channel, whether as a sender, receiver, or forwarder. If you expect economic activity of any kind (buying products, selling products, or selling the service of forwarding) then downtime of your direct channel peer represents some amount of economic loss.
However, to get uptime information, we need to spend network bandwidth
checking if each node is up or not.
And there are, as of this writing (mid 2022) about 36,000 nodes, according
to 1ml.com
Investigating the uptime of all of them is not a low-bandwidth task, and
even if it were, if a substantial number of nodes started running CLBOSS,
it would be a DDoS on the network just to attempt to connecting to most of
Heck, we just recently fixed a bug last year which would cause C-Lightning to fail if we had more than ~1000 connections. And on some environments the bugfix needs to use a fallback path in some low-level code, which consumes CPU in proportion to the number of live connections (FWIW the OS-provided fixes are probably also linear in CPU time on number of live connections as well, but at least it only needs one context switch from userspace to kernelspace, which is pretty expensive and not something you want to multiply by N). Connecting to 36,000 nodes, even if the network could survive it, your CPU load is likely to creak.
Obviously, the fix here is to not connect to all those nodes at once. But if we connect to a random sample, we can get good information only for that random sample. There is a resource vs. accuracy tradeoff.
It thus helps to be more parsimonious, and to focus the attention of our investigator to only a few dozen nodes, selecting those that, by other metrics, are also good.
Thus, channel candidate selection is intended to support channel candidate investigation, by focusing investigation (i.e. the costly checking of the uptime of nodes) to only a small number, so we can get high-quality uptime information about those nodes.
Channel Finders
There are a number of modules which trigger whenever some part of CLBOSS thinks we should have more channel candidates:
— searches for large popular nodes and chooses nodes near them.Boss::Mod::ChannelFinderByDistance
— searches for distant nodes and proposes them.Boss::Mod::ChannelFinderByListpays
— checks through our outgoing payment history and selects nodes we pay to.Boss::Mod::ChannelFinderByEarnedFee
— checks our statistics for peers that have been earning us much outgoing fees and chooses their neighbors.
All the above modules trigger on the
They then perform their algorithm, and, with the exception of
, broadcast
which triggers the matchmaker to find a patron for its
Digression: Reservoir Sampling
A common algorithm that the above channel finder modules use
is Stats::ReservoirSampler
This implements reservoir sampling, which is a family
of algorithms that select an item at random from a stream of
input items.
Reservoir sampling algorithms are O(1) in size, and O(n) CPU
load on the number of input items, and are also online
The specific reservoir sampling algorithm used is called A-Chao. A-Chao takes each input item with a weight. The higher the weight of an input item, the more likely it is to be selected. Also, the algorithm can be parameterized so that it will select N items at random, not just one item.
With reservoir sampling, much of the behavior of the channel finder modules is randomized. This is important since CLBOSS wants to avoid becoming a kingmaker.
Suppose CLBOSS used a purely deterministic, non-random
Now suppose many node operators switch to having their nodes
managed by CLBOSS.
process as
input the gossiped network map.
The gossiped network map tends to be weakly synchronized
across all nodes.
Thus, a purely deterministic, non-random channel finder
algorithm, run on multiple nodes, will tend to select the same
node to propose for channel making.
This will dangerously centralize the network around some
More importantly, CLBOSS is free and open-source software, meaning anyone can take its code and figure out how it behaves. If it uses some metric, then people who want to centralize Lightning around their node will try to game the metric used by CLBOSS. This is a distinct disadvantage that CLBOSS has compared to human node managers, whose brains are not open-source and difficult to understand (I have already captured many humans and dissected their brains, and I still do not understand how they think sometimes).
Thus, CLBOSS uses randomized behavior, but weighted towards high-quality nodes. Thus, multiple CLBOSS-using nodes will tend to prefer the same nodes, but will not choose exactly one single “king”.
An effect of this randomness is that very rarely, a channel-finder module is going to propose a node that has bad stats for the metric the channel-finder node uses. This is fine, since it is rare, and prevents CLBOSS from being too predictable.
By Popularity
channel candidates according to its sense of popularity,
which it defines as the number of distinct nodes it has at least
one channel with (i.e. number of peers, not number of channels).
It uses a reservoir sampler, with each entry being a node on the gossip map, and the weight being the number of peers that node has. The reservoir sampler keeps 5 such popular nodes.
Plot twist: the selected popular node is not the
, i.e. we do not channel directly with the
popular node.
Instead, the popular node is the patron
and one of its peers becomes the proposal
For each popular node, we shuffle its direct peers, and use
each peer-of-popular-node as a proposal
, with the
popular node as the patron
We then tell preinvestigation to take one proposal from each
popular node (i.e. for each selected popular node, we emit a
the shuffled list of peers as the proposal
s and
with the same patron
, the popular node).
Thus, preinvestigation effectively selects one of the peers of
the popular node to be the proposal.
I believe I got the above idea, to channel with the peers of popular nodes instead of popular nodes directly, from Rene Pickhardt. The purpose is to prevent network centralization. If we channel to a popular node (for whatever reasonable metric we could use for “popular”) then we make that node even more popular, which makes it more likely for other CLBOSS nodes to pick, which makes it even more popular, ad infinitum, thus once again becoming a kingmaker. However, if we instead channel to their peers, we spread out the liquidity of the entire network a little more. This slows down centralization. At the same time, we are just one hop away from a popular node, so our connectivity to the rest of the network is reasonable, as long as the direct peer has good uptime (which is measured by the investigation parts).
(I should note however that most popular nodes also have other popular nodes as peers, so this will still tend to select popular nodes for channeling with. At least not-so-popular nodes that are peers of popular nodes get a chance, though.)
On top of this basic algorithm are a number of modifications:
If our own node already has 4 or more channels, the reservoir sampler keeps only 1 popular node, not 5.
The intent is that this algorithm is used primarily by new nodes, which need to get good connectivity to the network. Popular nodes have more connectivity (because they are popular), so if our own node is “new” i.e. has few channels, popular nodes should be prioritized.
Conversely, if a node already has a number of channels, presumably those were either done by CLBOSS and already to popular nodes, or they were done manually and we should just go with whatever the human manager did.
Further, we reduce the participation of the by-popularity module in order to reduce centralization. This further reduces the kingmaker effect of this module. We do this after we have already established a few channels and have a reasonable liquidity base.
If the node is so new that it has less than 800 nodes in its gossiped network map, we abort processing and try again later. “Later” here is either the occurence of the 10-minute timer, the arrival of a new onchain block, or 20 seconds after a new connection to a new peer is established. The hope is by that time, a little more of the network map is available.
If the network map is so grossly incomplete, then it is unlikely we would have accurate information on the network topology. So we should try later, when a little more of the network map is available.
The exact number probably needs to be tweaked. The mainnet network has grown about 10x since it was set, while the testnet network has shrunk and has less than 800 nodes.
While the metric used by the by-popularity module is gameable, the fact that we propose the peer of the popular node mitigates this. If a node games this metric, then one of its peers gets the benefit, not the node itself. Now, the method to game this would be for the node to also launch several fake nodes that have channels to it. Then it is likely that one of the fake nodes will be selected as the proposal. However, remember that we also use dowsing to determine how much to put in the channel to the node. Thus, the channel with the fake node has to be substantial in size, or else CLBOSS will allocate only a small amount to it, and if the amount is less than the minimum channel size, it will skip that node. This means that usefully gaming this metric requires nodes to sacrifice liquidity in many medium-sized channels to dead-end fake nodes. It would be more rational to just put the same number of channels to actual nodes on the network, as now the liquidity is useable for forwarding and can be used to earn fees. Thus, it would be sub-optimal to attempt to game the used metric.
However, possibly a better metric would be to not select
on nodes but rather on channels, and to use the size
of the channel as the weight.
When a channel is selected, we determine which of the two
endpoints is larger (has more total amount in channels) and
select that as patron
and the other as
This more explicitly helps our goal of spreading out the
liquidity, and channel size serves as a proxy for popularity,
and is a direct indicator of how well-connected the nodes are.
By Distance
While the by-popularity module considers our own connectivity to the network, once we are well-connected, it would also be nice to give less well-connected nodes some liquidity. This is rational since connecting to less-well-connected nodes gives the possibility that we have a virtual monopoly on payments to such weakly-connected nodes, thus earning more fees.
So, the Boss::Mod::ChannelFinderByDistance
module proposes nodes by determining our distance to
all nodes on the network, and proposing distant nodes.
The distance of a node is an estimate on how much it would take
for us to send 10,000sats to that node.
We implement the Dijkstra pathfinding algorithm in
Note that the Dijkstra pathfinding is not actually a
pathfinding algorithm, more accurately it generates a
shortest-path tree.
We simply feed the network graph to the Dijkstra algorithm, and
once the entire network graph has been provided, we extract the
shortest-path tree.
Our own node is the root of the shortest-path tree, and the leaves of the tree are the most distant nodes from our position in the network. The number of leaves will be some fraction of the total number of nodes. We then use a reservoir sampler on the leaves, with the total distance of that leaf (i.e. the total estimated cost to send 10,000sats to that node) as weight, keeping 40 candidates. We then sort the selected candidates from highest-distance to lowest-distance, and pass it to the preinvestigator, telling it to get at most 3 nodes.
For each proposal
, we get as patron
the parent node in the shortest-path tree.
This parent node is how the proposal
would connect
to the rest of the network, so it serves well as the
, which we consider as a proxy for the
rest of the network.
If we have no channels yet, then this module does nothing, since it has no liquidity to the network anyway and the Dijkstra algorithm would terminate immediately.
If a channel has fees so large that they take more than 50sats to transfer a 10,000sat payment, we ignore the channel during the Dijkstra run. This prevents a trivial gaming of the metric: a well-connected node (which would likely have a low distance score for most of the network) can start up a single fake node and make a channel to it, charging usurious fees for the channel, thus making the fake node apparently high-distance from anywhere on the network (due to the single hop it has having a high fee), and possibly affecting CLBOSS-managed nodes into selecting that node, which is really just controlled by the well-connected node. Unlike the case of the by-popularity module, whose metric is gameable only at high cost to the gamer, this is relaitvely low-cost — only a single channel needs to be made — so we make specific precautions against this gaming.
Distant, badly-connected nodes tend to be low-uptime (i.e. people, and CLBOSS if you enable it, tend to close their channels with them due to their low uptime). Thus, preinvestigation is an important part of filtering the results. Maybe the distant badly-connected node is just poorly managed, or very new, but is otherwise high-uptime, so we at least try to give them a chance by doing a quick preinvestigation check for uptime. While the balance of probability is that such distant nodes are likely to be low-uptime, we might luck into a good one that just happens to need more liquidity.
By Listpays
C-Lightning includes a listpays
command which
lists out the payments that the node has made.
On the logic that, if you paid to a node in the past, you
are likely to pay to the node again, it would be rational to
make direct channels to the payee.
The Boss::Mod::ChannelFinderByListpays
uses that
logic for its selection policy.
We simply look at the results of listpays
C-Lightning command, and count the number of times we paid
to each payee.
We use a reservoir sampler, giving each payee, and use the
number of times it was paid as the weight.
The reservoir sampler keeps 2 payees.
Unlike other channel finders, by-listpays
uses Boss::Msg::ProposePatronlessChannelCandidate
This is because the listpays
command only
really provides the destination, but not a lot more information.
Thus, this module is unable to specify a patron
We use the number of times paid, instead of just the total
sum paid, because I think the effect of base_fee
would dominate on the fees.
Thus, the number of times paid should have a larger effect.
Unfortunately, this module does not really handle
unpublished payees well, unpublished channels delenda est.
In particular, patron matchmaking only works if the proposal
is public, and we can really only channel to a node if we can
connect to it first, and if the node is unpublished,
we do not know how to contact it.
While listpays
easily exposes the payee node,
it does not easily expose the LSP the payee uses.
However, listpays
does expose the
and bolt12
strings, so
CLBOSS can implement a parser for such.
For an unpublished payee, it would have to provide a channel
hint in the bolt11
or bolt12
, so
we can check if the payee is available on the published
network map, and if not, look at the channel hints in
and propose a node
there if it is in the published network map.
By Earned Fee
A limitation of CLBOSS is that, since it is not a fully sentient thinking process yet, it is unable to gather news from Bitcoin news sites in order to determine where best to make channels to. For example, there may be a popular new product or service or site or whatever that just announced that they would add support for Lightning Network payments. Then it would be a good idea to create channels to the LN node of that site/whatever, in the hope that the massive influx of buyers of this newly-hyped widget would mean many forwards to the node.
However, a LN node can get some relevant data, and that data is how many and how much payments have been forwarded out to a particular direct peer of ours. If one of our peers has had a recent spike in the fees we actually earn when forwarding to that peer, that implies that there is significant interest in payments to that peer (or at least nodes near that peer), so adding more capacity in its general direction could be justified based on this data.
Now, C-Lightning, as of this writing (mid 2022), strictly limits to one peer, one channel. This means that we cannot just throw more liquidity at the high-earning peer by making a new channel with them. C-Lightning has this policy as we would like to encourage people to keep the number of UTXOs down, and an extra channel with the same peer is an extra UTXO, you could have just used a larger channel to that peer in the first place. (Also it would be difficult with the one-peer-one-daemon architecture C-Lightning has, LOL.)
So what we do instead is to make new channels to peers of such a high-earning peer.
The by-earned-fee module finds the highest-earning peer,
and uses it as the patron
We then take all the peers of that high-earning peer,
shuffle them, and list them as proposal
with the high-earning peer as the common
We then send this out to the preinvestigator.
CLBOSS has a module that keeps various statistics for each of our direct peers. It keeps statistics for the last 3 months. One of those statistics is the amount of millisatoshis we earned from forwards out to the peer. It is this outgoing fee that is used by the by-earned-fee channel finder. However, the by-earned-fee channel finder restricts its data to the earnings from the past three days. This allows it to adapt to changing market conditions, where some node may receive high volume of payments temporarily due to e.g. a sale or other limited-time event, or the converse where some product becomes unfashionable or undesirable and another product now gets more payments over the LN.
Unfortunately, there is little analysis on each of the channel finder modules. While the basis for including them are logical to me, it would be better if we could get more information from real-world performance.
For instance, it would probably be better if each proposal included the name of the channel-finder that proposed them. This information would have to be propagated all the way through investigation and retained even beyond channel creation. Then we would monitor the earned fees we get, as well as the channel sizes, and determine how much we earned for each channel finder, in proportion to the channel sizes that they ended up triggering.
However, simply from the above description, we can
observe that, for a completely new node, only the
will trigger.
not trigger since the own node is the root in the
Dijkstra search, and if your own node is new, it does
not have any channels and no way to progress the
Dijkstra shortest-path-tree algorithm.
will work only if the node has done any sort of
economic activity (outgoing payments or successful
forwardings, respectively).
Thus, for a new node, only the by-popularity module triggers, and it is a lore in Lightning Network development that some measure of popularity would work for the initial channels of a new node. So that part at least seems reasonably safe.
Other channel finder modules are of uncertain utility. Indeed popularity seems dubious beyond the first few channels, since it would even more strongly centralize the network, which is why it backs off and reduces its participation once the node has more than a few channels.
I have been harping on and on about having CLBOSS avoid becoming a kingmaker, but notice that the by-distance channel finder has a goal of reducing the distance to other nodes, which is also a measure of how central your node is to the network. You would be at the exact center of the network if, for all nodes on the network, we find the largest distance they have to any node, and your node had the lowest such largest distance among all nodes. Thus, the by-distance module is indeed a kingmaker, promoting our own node as the king.
In the above,
is central because if we took the Dijkstra shortest-path-tree withA
as the root, all the leaves would have a maximum distance of one hop. If we tookB
as the root in a Dijkstra shortest-path-tree, then we would find that the leaves would beC
, and its distance to them would be two hops. SinceA
has a shorter maximum distance (1) thanB
(2), it is more central thanB
However, this kingmaker avoidance is really that we want to avoid making some other node the king, and having multiple CLBOSS instances decide to serve the same king. Striving to make our own node the king is perfectly fine, since each CLBOSS instance will have a different “our own” node: each CLBOSS has its own king, i.e. our own node under management. Thus, each CLBOSS instance would be pulling and competeing against each other, instead of pulling together to make some single node the king. Free market and all that. Capitalism, ho!